Welcome to the weedon AlmsHouses

Celebrating our 400th anniversary in 2024

Who are we?

The Weedon Almhouses was formed in 1624 following the death of Mr Thomas Weedon who left instructions in his will for the building of 4 almshouses. This instruction formed the charity. 

Today we still offer housing assistance to the underprivileged in Chesham who have a local connection with the town. We support former Chesham residents who have relocated but require housing upon returning to the area for familial support.

We offer either a place in one of the 4 original Weedon Cottages or one of our 4 places available in the Standring Flats. 

What is an Almshouse?

An almshouse is a unit of residential accommodation (usually a house or flat) which belongs to a charity, is provided exclusively to meet the charity’s purposes (for example, the relief of financial need or infirmity) and is occupied or is available for occupation under a licence by a qualified beneficiary.

An almshouse charity is typically a charity which is established for purposes which are to be furthered by the provision of one or more almshouses.

An almshouse charity is usually a charity for the relief of financial hardship by the provision of housing and associated services or benefits which must (or is authorised to) provide its primary benefit by the grant of a licence to occupy the accommodation that it owns to its beneficiaries.